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what dancers can control during casting season: focus on fueling, self-care, and balance

Casting season can bring excitement, anticipation, and sometimes stress. While it’s easy to get caught up in factors that feel out of your control, there are many things you can focus on to help you feel confident and energized. One of the most powerful tools at your disposal is how you fuel your body and take care of yourself. Instead of worrying about fitting into a certain body type or role, let’s focus on caring for yourself - nutrition, self-care, and balance - in ways that keep you strong and prepared, no matter what the casting decisions are.

nourish your body: fuel for auditions

When audition season is in full swing, your body is working hard. Long rehearsals, performance prep, and stress all place high demands on your energy levels. One of the best ways to stay in control is to make sure you’re fueling your body with balanced nutrition that works for you.

Balanced Nutrition

Focus on meals that combine the colors of the rainbow (micronutrients) as well as carbohydrates, protein, and fats (macronutrients) to give you lasting stamina and prevent energy crashes throughout the day. One thing you can ensure is that you’re starting your day with a yummy and balanced breakfast and packing snacks for the day! You might reach for oatmeal topped with nuts and fruit and pack yourself a protein bar and banana to keep you going between classes, rehearsals, and auditions.


Staying hydrated is key to maintaining your focus and stamina. Water is essential, but you can also add hydrating snacks like cucumber, watermelon, or oranges for an extra boost.

Avoid Restrictive Diets

It’s easy to feel the pressure to change your eating habits for auditions, but restrictive diets can leave you feeling weak and fatigued. Instead, embrace an intuitive approach by listening to your body and nourishing it with the nutrients it needs to thrive.

prioritize self-care: rest, recovery, and mindset

While you can’t control the outcome of casting decisions, you can control how you take care of yourself during this stressful time.

Rest and Recovery

Sleep and rest are just as important as nutrition. Prioritize getting enough sleep so your body can recover from the physical and mental demands of audition season. Set a calming pre-bedtime routine to help your body wind down and recharge.


Audition season can be emotionally taxing, but your mindset is one area where you hold the power. Practice self-compassion and positive affirmations. Instead of focusing on the outcome, celebrate your efforts and how you’re showing up each day. Remember that casting decisions often involve factors beyond your control, so focus on what makes you feel good inside and outside the studio.

balance: managing expectations + energy

Balance is key when juggling auditions, rehearsals, and your daily life. You don’t have to overwork yourself to prove your dedication—in fact, pushing too hard can lead to burnout.

Energy Management

Listen to your body’s signals. When you’re tired, be aware of that and adjust your energy expenditure and recuperation practices accordingly. When you’re feeling energized, give your best effort in the studio. Balance your energy levels by fueling regularly, hydrating, and resting when needed.

Body Neutrality

Remember that your worth as a dancer isn’t determined by your body shape or size. Every dancer’s body is unique, and that’s what makes the art form beautiful. Casting decisions can be influenced by factors that don’t reflect talent or potential, so maintain a body-neutral mindset and focus on the skills you bring to the table.

While casting season can feel overwhelming, remember that the most important things—your nutrition, self-care, and balance—are in your control to adjust + shift as needed. By focusing on fueling your body, taking care of your mind, and embracing balance, you’ll feel confident, energized, and ready for whatever comes next. Keep in mind that every role, big or small, contributes to your journey as a dancer. Stay kind to yourself, and trust that your hard work will shine through.

Photo by Ruth Judsen

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I'm a Nutrition Educator & Wellness Coach based in and serving Washington, DC and the DMV region. My lifestyle-focused method has successfully helped clients achieve personal results and enhance athletic ability, eMpowering performance in class, rehearsals, and on-stage. As professional dancer myself, I have gained nutritional balance and improved my own relationship with food through many years of practice and a Masters of Science in Nutrition from University of Bridgeport. I bring this depth of personal and academic experience to a variety of clients, particularly performance athletes and fitness enthusiasts. In my spare time, I teach yoga and manage Ballet Embody, a professional contemporary ballet company.
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